Arctic Sea Ice of 2018 is with the lowest recorded

So we hear all these news reports about the ice in the north is melting and they show pictures of lonely ice bergs or stranded polar bears having no where to go to hunt but what does this all really mean for us? most of Americans won't ever see the ice at the north pole or at the south pole but it still affects our daily lives and can cause some serious issues for almost everyone.

In an article posted by  it stated that on march 17th the ice cap reached its maximum extend and it became the second lowest maximum extend in recorded history just behind march 7th of 2017. All the ice that is melting is causing sea levels to rise and making the oceans warmer and warmer every year causing more and more hurricanes and dangerous storms for people. Another big issue the globe has to worry about it how much ice melts during the summer months. with recent summers being some of the warmest on record the extremely low ice cap is opening up shipping routes. by opening up these shipping routes it will shorten the routes but it will also be introducing a foreign object into the arctic that animals up their have never seen and could end up harming them.

All of the reduced ice cap maximums and minimums are a direct affect from humans and the amount of carbon dioxide they are putting into the air and it must stop starting soon.
