Electric Machinery

One of the worlds largest problems when talking about going green is how are we going to ship goods and fly around the world. These massive container ships will need millions of batteries to give it the power it needs to get around the oceans and while we try to figure out a way to convert these ships from diesel to either electric or biodiesel were stuck burning hundreds of thousand of fossil fuels. Another big concern is Airplanes. they're almost essential for getting people around these days in the high paced world we live in but how are we gonna get them off fossil fuels?
researchers at the university of Victoria are using technology to determine the most efficient vehicles while not losing any power and they do this with hybrids first but want to move to either 100% electric or all biodiesel.
We rely on these big ships and plans to receive our good from around the world and that is why we need to invest in them to become more energy efficient and make the world a greener place.

Imagine sourced from http://gcaptain.com/msc-and-cma-cgm-to-upgrade-21-existing-containerships-into-ulcvs/

Article from https://www.enn.com/articles/54419-greener-ships-cleaner-oceanArticle from
