Carbon Neutral Biofuel
One of the hardest things about transforming from a fossil fuel bases society to a Sustainable Energy consuming world is how are we going to run our equipment? we can get our electricity for our homes and our cars from solar and wind but how are we going to run military planes and tanks? The answer is easy bio fuels but the execution not so easy. Researchers and the university of Turku have found a way to produced more hydro fuel from green algae. before the scientist were only able to capture hydrogen for a couple seconds but now they can capture it for up to 7 days with the highest production within the first 8 hours. The best thing about this scientific discovery is that all the hydrogen they burn from the algae releases C02 but because they're growing the Algae the algae absorbs the C02 making it carbon neutral. this is a major step to making the world run on nothing but renewable energy and reducing C02 emissions. Article from: https://www.scie...