
Carbon Neutral Biofuel

One of the hardest things about transforming from a fossil fuel bases society to a Sustainable Energy consuming world is how are we going to run our equipment? we can get our electricity for our homes and our cars from solar and wind but how are we going to run military planes and tanks?  The answer is easy bio fuels but the execution not so easy. Researchers and the university of Turku have found a way to produced more hydro fuel from green algae. before the scientist were only able to capture hydrogen for a couple seconds but now they can capture it for up to 7 days with the highest production within the first 8 hours. The best thing about this scientific discovery is that all the hydrogen they burn from the algae releases  C02 but because they're growing the Algae the algae absorbs the C02 making it carbon neutral. this is a major step to making the world run on nothing but renewable energy and reducing C02 emissions. Article from:   https://www.scie...

removal of hydro-electric dams

The world needs to start using more renewable energy sources but is hydro electric dams the way to do it? By using hydro electric dams it effects the natural flow of the rivers and it doesn't allow migrating fish such as salmon to migrate back to their spawning grounds. My favorite documentary of all time 180° south examines the troubles going on in patagonia as there proposing building dams in the last true frontier. This issue still exist today because it is a true moral dilemma. Do we solve the century long dilemma of making green energy or do we destroy natural beauty to put in a massive concrete wall in the middle of one of the most beautiful untouched areas in the world. By building these dams government officials are forced to spend billions of dollars on finding ways to keep endangered salmon alive and that is usually through hatcheries and that cost money. so instead of spending billions on try to fix a problem why not just get rid of what caused the problem. There are ...

Mercury in our food

I enjoy writing and reading about fish and whats happening to them as the environment changes. A major thing in the news today is that the amount of mercury in the waters is increasing and it has been since the 1950's. The high amounts of mercury are from over fishing and  pollutants from boats and factories. the mercury can cause infertility in woman 37% of people from 175 countries have been exposed to the maximum amount of mercury exposure per week. some countries such as Maldives have been exposed to 14X the said to be safe amount. Many of the people in these poorer countries rely on the fish in their waters and there only source of food is being contaminated by fisherman.

Winter Snow Melting in Antarctica

Antarctica is a cold dark place in the winter. The sun does not come up for months on end and there is absolutely not heat coming from the sun. So, when scientist found ponds on top of glaciers as large as 50km in length there had to be another reason for it. A glacier scientist named Peter Kuipers Munneke was informed of a temperature reading of 8°C in the middle of May when the temperature should have been somewhere around -25°c. His immediate reaction was that it had to be broken but upon further investigation he realized it was correct. The high temperatures were caused by a wind known as the Hairdryer winds. it is a trade wind that last a couple days and can increase temperatures dramatically. The main fear of seeing this temperature was rising sea levels but that theory was put to rest when looking at satellite images and seeing that the ponds eventually refroze before summer. These ponds could eventually cause the ice sheets to weaken and break off from the main land then meltin...


Earth is covered in trash and we have nothing to really do with it until now. major companies such as method the soap brand and nike are using recycled materials to make them new. Nike uses recycled water bottles for the U.S soccer teams uniforms and method uses water bottles straight from the ocean to create their bottle for the soap dispensers. smaller companies are doing the same such as pentatonic. Pentatonic is a European furniture company who makes there products from all recycled materials. They even recycle there own products once they have been worn down to create even more material. Companies such as these are doing the right thing by trying to reuse products and make them look new again. There is a problem though these companies want more money because they're "GREEN" and that deters consumers when they see the same products for much cheaper they're almost always going to go with the cheaper version. if companies could get tax incentives for being green ...

Electric Machinery

One of the worlds largest problems when talking about going green is how are we going to ship goods and fly around the world. These massive container ships will need millions of batteries to give it the power it needs to get around the oceans and while we try to figure out a way to convert these ships from diesel to either electric or biodiesel were stuck burning hundreds of thousand of fossil fuels. Another big concern is Airplanes. they're almost essential for getting people around these days in the high paced world we live in but how are we gonna get them off fossil fuels? researchers at the university of Victoria are using technology to determine the most efficient vehicles while not losing any power and they do this with hybrids first but want to move to either 100% electric or all biodiesel. We rely on these big ships and plans to receive our good from around the world and that is why we need to invest in them to become more energy efficient and make the world a greener pla...

A New and not so Improved Solar Panel?

You go up to a middle aged parent and ask them why they don't have solar panels and almost every one would say because they're expensive. So with all the technology we have and all the researchers we have to find a way to make solar panels cheaper why hasn't it happen yet? well its not so simple. According to science scientist have already discovered a substitute for silicon that is cheaper and just as good at absorbing the energy from the sun and it is known as a perovskite structure( it is comprised of titanium calcium and oxygen. there is a problem with this compound and it is whats keeping these new solar panels of the market and it is that they deteriorate over time in the heat. Scientist at Okinawa institute of science and technology have figured out a way to change the organic materials into a co organic and non organic mix allowing the materials to last up to 2 years. this is still a major set back compared to the silicon panels that la...